Markdown Edit

The Problem

After using Markdown in StackOverflow for sometime, I grown fond of it and wanted to use it for any generic documents, an alternative for Microsoft Word for example. There wasn’t any app I found that uses it. Also Microsoft Word is bloated for my needs, plus, it isn’t good for code, no way I found to have syntax highlighting. So I started developing MarkdownEdit

The Vision

Word processing powered by Markdown

The Result

on SkyDrive

The making of

This app was developed at around the same time as QuickImageUpload, this is developed in C#/WPF/MVVM.

This app was a great learning experience for me. I 1st learnt how to have multiple closable tabs from this MSDN Magazine Article. Then other MVVM stuff like ICommands, since I was using MVVM Foundation, I used RelayCommands. I tried implementing the Editor in MVVM, but I discovered soon that its not really the best way to do it. In my ViewModels, won’t know whats the SelectedText etc. which is required to manipulate the selection etc. So I started encapsulating all those stuff in a UserControl. An advantage of this will be that it is reusable throughout different tabs. Then there is IO stuff like read/open, write/save. Then there is more advanced stuff like checking if the opened document has been edited outside the application.

It like QuickImageUpload is far from perfect, should be refactored, but I am thinking of focusing more on developing Web Apps from now. Maybe some apps for Envato Marketplaces like CodeCanyon, ThemeForest & Tuts+ Marketplace

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